In Beginning...

    It all happened a year after I graduated from high school.  I drank a pint of Flying Dog’s Snake Dog IPA, and I was hooked.  Soon after I traveled to California and tried every microbrew I could: Anderson Valley’s Oatmeal Stout, Ska’s Decadent IPA, Sam Smith’s Nut Brown Ale, Stone’s Ruination etc.  The next year I returned to northern California and visited my cousin, Dylan.  Dylan was a home brewer, and although he had only been doing it for a short period of time, he was producing impressively smooth and delicious beer.  After checking out his brewing equipment and listening to him as he passionately explained the subtleties of yeast, I knew that this was something that I wanted to do—brew great beer.  That winter I purchased a basic kit, and my brewing adventures began. 
    Now, a little over a year since I began brewing, I’m obsessed.  I took two terms of organic chemistry just to understand the chemical properties of beer.  This term I am conducting an independent study on the chemistry of brewing, which is really an applied biochemistry class that gives me an excuse to be a beer nerd.  This blog is here for you to follow my passion of brewing and maybe even learn a little something along the way.