No classes are held on Wednesdays, so Tuesdays always feel like Fridays. Therefore Tuesday was a perfect night to hold a beer tasting. A couple of my friends, who are also home brewers, are trying to harvest a variety of yeast strains, so we justified spending the extra buck on a few awesome Belgian-style beers. In the line up we had a sample from five of the seven Trappist breweries--brewed by Trappist monks--a ten year old sour beer, and a special edition Allagash from Portland, Maine. I wrote down our tasting notes to make sure I'd remember the subtleties of each one. And for the record, we shared all of these, and I walked home.

Appearance: Nice golden color. Good head retention--this refers to the foam.
Aroma: Bubble gum/cantaloupe, dough, spicy phenols, and citrus.
Taste: Phenols up front, and a spicy hop finish presumably from the saaz hops. As it warmed up the alcohol became apparent.
Mouthfeel (viscosity/carbonation): Medium bodied.
Drinkability: Very easy to drink.

Appearance: Hazy orange.
Aroma: Smells like brettanomyces and a fusion of fruity horses?
Taste: Crisp flavor that tastes a lot like the aroma. Has a slightly astringent aftertaste.
Mouthfeel: Thin and dry. Well-carbonated.
Drinkability: Easy to drink. A good beer to follow most sour beers.

Appearance: Dark brown with large yeast flakes in solution.
Aroma: Roasted grains, and candied sugar.
Taste: Plums, birch, raisins, and some phenols.
Mouthfeel: Medium bodied.
Drinkability: Very smooth and easy drinking.

Appearance: Dark ruby brown with a tan head.
Aroma: Raisins, caramel, and roasted grains.
Taste: Earthy tones, plums, dark sugars, and a slight alcohol finish (not too bad for 11.3%).
Mouthfeel: Still medium bodied.
Drinkability: I could drink this regularly.

Appearance: Orange with no head.
Aroma: Musty strawberries.
Taste: Strong lactobacillus and brettanomyces flavor followed by a musty and powerful sourness. This beer is very complex.
Mouthfeel: Dry and flat.
Drinkability: Not for most beer drinkers, but I could drink a six pack.

Appearance: A beautiful red when held up to the light.
Aroma: Sweet, maple syrup, and bread.
Taste: Raisins, plums, bubble gum, and grapes.
Mouthfeel: Full bodied.
Drinkability: I don't know why I included drinkability as one of the criteria since all of these beers go down so easily. But yes, this beer is very easy to drink.

Appearance: Light orange with a nice head.
Aroma: Sweet, hops.
Taste: Fruity hops, phenols, Belgian yeast. Michael Arnsteen always judges IPA's by their burps, and this one had phenomenal ones.
Mouthfeel: Light but not dry.
Drinkability: Perfectly well-rounded, and one that I look forward to drinking again.

Appearance: Dark ruby.
Aroma: Sweet plums and dark sugar.
Taste: Almonds, pitted fruits, and cherries.
Mouthfeel: Full bodied.
Drinkability: Still easy to drink after a night of good beer.
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